
Public Readers Advisory Intelligent Recommendation Innovation Experiment :-)

A project of The Galecia Group

About {{prAIrie}}

What's going on here?

At The Galecia Group, we know public libraries. So we also know that their staff wear many hats and do many important duties - but one of the most important roles is Readers Advisory.

The Internet definitely changed how Readers Advisory is performed. Websites and services channel the preferences of millions of readers and book purchasers into a river of data. But the Readers Advisory librarian is still critical: instead of helping patrons navigate the stacks in a single library building, RA librarians now help patrons navigate the millions of items and thousands of review and recommendation sources available online.

With the rapid adoption of AI interfaces, we believe that the role of Readers Advisory librarian is about to change again, drastically -- but that there will always be a need for a human librarian at key points in the process. Our goal is to help librarians determine how to most effectively use these new tools. Please explore our results and get in touch if you have questions or suggestions. You also may be interested in checking out our AI training workshops for public library staff and managers.

Preliminary Results

So far. More to come...

Author Suggestions

We picked 1,500 random authors and asked ChatGPT to provide read-alike suggestions for each.

Title Readalikes, Vol. 1 new!

Can ChatGPT recommend read-alikes for books? Let's find out.

The first 3,000 books released June 2023. Search the results!

Profile Suggestions Test new!

We simulated 200 reader profiles with complex preferences. How well does ChatGPT do with recommendations in this context?

See the results!