{{prAIrie}}: Related Authors

What does ChatGPT know about the universe of authors?

We prepared a list of over 1,500 randomly-selected authors from public library circulation data. For each author, we asked OpenAI GPT-3.5 for three related authors. Each author request was repeated with four different prompts (below) to test the consistency of the recommendations.

Model: GPT-3.5-turbo via API
Temperature: 0.0
Date: 28 May 2023

Author Prompts:

Prompt 1:

My favorite author is {author}. List three other authors I might like. Return only a numbered list of three authors.\n

Prompt 2:

I really enjoyed a book by {author}. List three other authors I may enjoy. Return only a numbered list of three authors.\n

Prompt 3:

If you like {author} then you\'ll love these writers! (Return only a numbered list of three authors.)\n

Prompt 4:

My favorite author is {author}. Provide a numbered list of three other authors I would like.\n


Author Suggestions

For each author, we made four prompt requests, each of which requested three read-alike authors.

Authors ~1560
Prompt 1 ~4680 suggestions
Prompt 2 ~4680 suggestions
Prompt 3 ~4680 suggestions
Prompt 4 ~4680 suggestions
Total ~18720 suggestions

In the (approximately) 18,700 suggestions, only 1,525 unique authors were suggested.


How consistent are the suggestions?

Of our 1,561 input authors for which we requested suggestions:

Suggestions / Author Authors
3 suggestions 400
4 suggestions 434
5 suggestions 325
6 suggestions 206
7 suggestions 98
8 suggestions 55
9 suggestions 25
10 suggestions 15
11 suggestions 2
12 suggestions 1


You bet we've got hallucinations!

In AI terms, a "hallucination" is a statement by the AI with no basis in fact or in its training data. The AI is essentially just making something up that "sounds" good (according to its statistical language model).

We haven't yet tested the suggestions for accuracy, or even that they all exist in our reality, but here's a good example using one of our existing prompts and a fictitious author:

Prompt: 'My favorite author is Zinklewink Farflenugs. List three other authors I might like. Return only a numbered list of three authors.\n'

  1. J.K. Rowling
  2. Neil Gaiman
  3. Terry Pratchett

Most Common Suggestions

We analyzed the most commonly recommended authors. In other words, which authors does ChatGPT think are most similar to our pool of random authors?

# of Input Authors In Which This Author Was Suggested:
So of our 1,561 authors that we requested suggestions for, ChatGPT thought Tana French was a good read-alike for 160 of them. Forty-eight (48) of our randomly-selected authors had Octavia Butler as a suggested read-alike.

Suggested Author # of Input Authors
Tana French 160
Neil Gaiman 123
N.K. Jemisin 101
Michael Connelly 92
Eloisa James 81
Harlan Coben 80
Gillian Flynn 79
Nalini Singh 77
Louise Penny 67
Ilona Andrews 66
Julia Quinn 64
Lisa Kleypas 58
Tessa Dare 58
Karin Slaughter 57
Mo Willems 57
Leigh Bardugo 57
Agatha Christie 57
Patricia Briggs 56
Brandon Sanderson 50
Octavia Butler 48

Examples of Consistency

Here are some examples of consistency in the data. For each author, we requested 3 suggestions; then we repeated that 3 more times, for a total of 12 potential suggestions. As a reminder, this round of experiments used LLM temperature = 0 which should theoretically yield the most consistent responses.

First, an example of one of the many consistent suggestions. When we request 3 authors similar to Aaron Swartz, we consistently get back Cory Doctorow, Lawrence Lessig, and Tim Wu.

author_id prompt_name response_1 response_2 response_3
Aaron Swartz Prompt 1 Cory Doctorow Lawrence Lessig Tim Wu
Aaron Swartz Prompt 2 Cory Doctorow Lawrence Lessig Tim Wu
Aaron Swartz Prompt 3 Cory Doctorow Lawrence Lessig Tim Wu
Aaron Swartz Prompt 4 Cory Doctorow Lawrence Lessig Tim Wu

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we had a few authors that ChatGPT just could not pin down. Our most extreme example is Anonymous, which makes sense if you think about it.

author_id prompt_name response_1 response_2 response_3
Anonymous Prompt 1 Edgar Allan Poe Emily Dickinson Franz Kafka
Anonymous Prompt 2 Gillian Flynn Tana French Paula Hawkins
Anonymous Prompt 3 George Orwell Aldous Huxley Ray Bradbury
Anonymous Prompt 4 J.K. Rowling Stephen King Jane Austen

Honorable mentions include Brenda Hiatt and Gail Carriger with 11 unique suggestions each.

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